Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Stupid Media Hype  

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) first came to my attention 3 years ago when i read about it in Dan Brown's "The Da Vinchi Code". Being a great fan of Theoretical physics i was at once immersed in the books idea about the proof of creation. Ever since then i have eaerly awaited the launch of this awsome work of human resolve & dedication. But never had i imagined that the media would turn this into such a dumb assumption of a doomsday device. its such a pity that the media can be so shallow as to propogate such illogical lies. Even though i have studied astophysics as a hobby but even my 12th grade knowledge of physics disagreed with the ideas that were being circulated in the media.
Firstly, the LHC cannot create a black hole because to sustain a black hole you need a huge amount of gravity that can only happen if a humongus Star were to collapse. such high masses are no where near earth let alone on it.
Secondly, the LHC cannot cause another "big bang " because the energy of the big bang was far greater than any manmade device can possibly generate. Althogh the energies of protons in the LHC as greater than ever before colliding at these energies is what will give us new discoveries.

Hence ppl do not belive selfish media hypes ,its all in a little science.
Hope this post was informative;)

P.S. NOTE: The arguments given have been simplified for easier understanding.

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